Alzheimer's Association

Having a supportive community is critical to every human being. This is especially true for people who are living with Alzheimer's disease. At Aiken Memory Care, we believe that we provide a community for people who are experiencing the effects of this disease. We strive to be the complete care for a person and their family. We also want to shine a light on outside resources that can help a person build a support system. Alzheimer's Association South Carolina Chapter is a cornerstone of the Alzheimer’s care community. The Alzheimer’s Association is always available 24/7 for around-the-clock care and support via their Helpline at 1.800.272.3900. With endless resources and information, their website provides up-to-date information on how you and your loved ones can get involved in a community of people who understand how to support you.

 Their website states, “Currently, more than 95,000 South Carolinians are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and over 199,000 family members and friends are providing care for them. Our chapter is here to help, serving the entire state through a network of regional offices.” Through their website, you’ll find access to their South Carolina office locations, caregiving options, and volunteer opportunities, and you can even donate to support their organization. Under their “Get Involved” tab, you can find various information ranging from articles on how to support a person living with dementia, to advocacy groups where you can help make Alzheimer’s a national priority. Sign up for their e-newsletter to receive updates through your emails on upcoming events and opportunities to get involved. This resource is one that we at AMC love to recommend to all our residents and their families. We believe building a community around Alzheimer’s is not only important for our residents but those who love and care for them.

Visit their website:


Brain Activity Encouragement


Understanding the Stages of Dementia